Thursday, June 5, 2008

3 New Fans!

Holy smokes, there are already 3 fans watching my Imagekind gallery (thank you!), I need to get cracking on getting more of the marine recruiting posters online...

I have one that is almost ready to go with maybe 4-5 hours left to work on it, I should have it done this weekend and ready to post by Monday evening.

Here is a thumbnail, I don't want to link to a big picture until it is finished, I have a tendency to be a bit of a perfectionist.

I like this one a bunch, it's got a cool feel being one-color, the blank box at the bottom is where a recruiting station address would be written in.

Once the big version is posted to my gallery you will be able to get a close look at the old-school ships cannon that the Marines are loading, in this case they are feeding a power charge in after the projectile. Thinking about it, I would be curious to find more information about Marines serving on gunnery crews aboard ship...


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