Monday, June 9, 2008

Marines smash through recruiting goals

Good info and great news for the Corps, it speaks to the relevance of what our Marines still bring to America's young people; discipline, strength, and honor. More importantly, it demonstrates that America's youth still value and those traits.

A few choice quotes:

"In April, the Marines signed up 2,233 recruits, beating their monthly goal by 142 percent, a level that far exceeds any other military service."

"..the Marine ethos, a combination of history, toughness and sense of duty and commitment, is a powerful sales tool..."

"The physical and mental challenges and the intangibles of duty and honor are the Marine Corps' biggest selling points."

"I don't have to sell the Marines. They know what they want when they step in the door" said Marine Recruiter Staff Sgt. Jessie Jelks

"When potential recruits walk in asking how much money they'll get or benefits, it's not unusual for a recruiter to walk them to the door and point out the Army, Navy and Air Force offices next door," said Capt. Antonio Hinojosa

Check out the full story:

Marines smash through recruiting goals

Semper Fi!


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